Disclaimer: None of the authors, Mei Lab, or Chinese Institutes for Medical Research assume any liabilities for these protocols. Use at your own risk. Our goal for these protocols is to disseminate open source techniques commonly used in the Mei Lab. However, these protocols do not assume any guarantees of correctness and should be implemented using safety protocols, provisions and permissions of the universities with which the users are operating within. Lastly, these protocols are distributed in the hope that it will be helpful, however without any warranty or desire of merchantability.
It is requested that any use of these protocols be cited in methods sections as “Mei Lab Protocols” + “Specific Protocol Name” along with website “”.
- Hot Shot DNA Extraction
- Recombinant AAV Virus Production
- Lentivirus Packaging
- BrdU Injection
- Competent Cells
- Subcellular Fraction Isolation
- Western Blot
- Molecular Cloning
- Generation of CRISPR-Cas9 Plasmid and KO cells
- Fluorescence in situ hybridization FISH
- Calcium Phosphate-Mediated Transfection of Primary Cultured Neuron
In Vivo