Selected published papers

Research Reviews (2008- )


H.Wang, W.-C. Xiong, and L. Mei. Excessive mitophagy for anxiety. Neuron109:3715-3716, 2021.




L.Xiong, J.-x. Pan, H. Guo, L. Mei, and W.-C. Xiong*. Parkinson’s in the bone.  Cell & Bioscience . (2021) 11:190 (in    press). 2021






G. Xing, W.C. Xiong, L. Mei. Rapsyn as a signaling and scaffoldingmoleculein NMJ formation and maintenance. Neurosci. Lett.731:1350132, 2020








M Yan, GL Xing, WC Xiong, L Mei. Agrin and LRP4 antibodies as new biomarkers of myasthenia gravis. New York Acad. Sci. 1413: 126-135, 2018





M.H. Rivner, M. Pasnoor, M. Dimachkie, R. Barohn, L. Mei. Muscle-Specific          Tyrosine Kinase and Myasthenia Gravis Owing to Other Antibodies.   Neurologic Clinics, 36:293-310, 2018.






L.Li, W.C. Xiong, and L. Mei. Neuromuscular junctionformation, ageing, and disorders. Annual Review of Physiology, 80:159-188, 2018




C.Legay, L. Mei: Moving forward with the neuromuscularjunction. J. Neurochem. 142 (Suppl 2): 59-63, 2017.





L.Mei, W.C. Xiong. Agrin to YAP in cancer and neuromuscular junction. Trendsin Cancer. 3:247-248, 2017





E. Fei, W.C.Xiong, and L. Mei. Ephrin-B3 recruits PSD -95 to synapses.  Nature Neuroscience18:1535-1537, 2015






L. Meiand J.P. Borg. ERBB2 oncogenicity: ERBIN helps to perform the jobMolecular & Cellular Oncology.   2:e995033, 2015.








Y. Shen, W.C. Xiong, and L. Mei. LRP4 in neuromuscularjunction and bone development and diseases. Bone , 80:101-108, 2015.





P. Lisak, B. Zhang, C. Shen, L. Mei. Neuromuscularjunction as Achilles’ heel: Yet another autoantibody? Neurology  . 84:214-215, 2015.








C. Shen, W.C. Xiong, L. Mei. Caspase-3, shearsfor synapse pruning. Cell 28:604-606, 2014.





Y. Tao, W.C. Xiong, L. Mei. Erbinin cortical inhibition. Future Neurology, 8:369- 372,







D.M. Yin, W.C. Xiong, L. Adolescent dopamine slows spine maturation.Nature Neuroscience , 16:1514-1516, 2013. PMID: 24165676





Wu and L. Mei. Morphologicalanalysis of neuromuscular junctions by            immunofluorescent staining of whole-mount mouse diaphragms. Methods Mol. Biol. 1018: 277-285, 2013.  PMID: 23681637.












Wang andL. Mei. In utero electroporation in mice. Methods Mol. Biol. 1018: 151-163, 2013. PMID: 23681626.







Peng, W.C. Xiong, and L. Mei. Culture of dissociatedhippocampal neurons. Methods Mol. Biol. 1018: 39-47, 2013. PMID: 23681615.













Barik, W.C. Xiong, L. Mei. MuSK: A kinasecritical for the formation and  maintenance of the neuromuscular junction. In: Protein Kinase Technologies, Ed: Hideyuki Mukai, Springer, 2012.










M. Yin, Y. Chen, A. Sathyamurthy, W.C. Xiong, andL. Mei. Synaptic dysfunction in schizophrenia. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 970: 493-516, 2012. PMID: 22351070.








Lu1, D.M. Yin1, W.-C. Xiong, and L. Mei. Modeling schizophrenia in neuregulin1and ErbB4 mutant mice. In: Animal Models of Schizophrenia . Ed: P. O’Donnell, Humana Press, 2011.





Wu, Wen C. Xiong, L. Mei. Tobuild a synapse: Signaling pathways in neuromuscular junction assembly. Development 137:1017-1033, 2010






C. Xiong and L. Mei. FAK interaction with MBD2: a linkfrom cell adhesion to nuclear chromatin remodeling. Cell Adhesion & Migration4:77-80, 2009





Zhang, W.C. Xiong, L. Mei. Get readytoWnt: prepatterning in neuromuscular junction formation. Dev. Cell 16:325-327, 2009










Mei and W.C. Xiong. Neuregulin-1 signaling in neural development, synaptic plasticityandschizophrenia. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 9:437-452, 2008